Recent Research
Please see the full list of my publications at my Google Scholar profile
- Machine Learning Toolbox for Social Scientists: Applied Predictive Analytics with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023)
- Causal Machine Learning for Econometrics (Taylor & Francis, expected 2025)
Selective publications
- Identifying the regional drivers of influenza-like illness in Nova Scotia, Canada, with dominance analysis. 2023 Nature, Scientific Reports.
- Speeding up for a son in Turkey. 2022 Canadian Journal of Development Studies.
- Speeding Up for a Son among Immigrants in Canada 2022 Population Research and Policy Review.
- Why does field of study–occupation mismatch have no effect on wages in Turkish labour markets? 2021 Applied Economics.
- Asymmetric Information and the Discount on Foreign-Acquired Degrees in Canada, 2020 IZA Journal of Development and Migration.
- Assortative Preferences in Choice of Major IZA Journal of Labor Economics 2020.
- Is the lower return to immigrants’ foreign schooling a postarrival problem in Canada?, 2017 IZA Journal of Migration.
- The cost of immigrants’ occupational mismatch and the effectiveness of postarrival policies in Canada, 2016 IZA Journal of Migration.